Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Welcome Back to Me!

God, it's been, what, 2 years, since I last posted a blog on this site? Well, 2 years, at least, since I last did any attempt - serious or otherwise - at writing. Let's just say that I took a "hiatus" from my non-existent literary career to pursue some other worthwhile interests, like earning cash, perhaps? Whatever, I'm still the same incoherent, mostly burned-out, closet writer wannabe, who, thanks to my AB English roots AND my dear mother - God bless her soul - wastes a full hour to mentally edit a single sentence. Sigh...

Gotta run now. My phone alarm's ringing, and yes, I have got to get to work in a little less than an hour - make that a couple of hours, but I am exaggerating, as usual - but I hope to soon dirty these pages with my vocabulary genius. Or not..

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